Sunday, May 9, 2010

fucking frustrated!!

cannot sleep... try exercising, perhaps it would make my body tired and i could get sleepy and then sleep easily but i ended up sweating on my bed..fuck!!

tried browsing my laptop searching for messy folders that could be sorted, still not working... i am sleepy but still awake.. fuck!!

i found out that my previous 2 years "19th 0f April-07,08" folders are not at the place where they should be... i was searching everywhere for them but i couldn't find them... i remembered that i used to edit some pictures from the folder(april-09) early this semester, but today, i couldn't find it!! fuck!!

feel so sad, angry, sleepy, frustrated, annoyed, and only thinking doing bad things.. fuck!!

one by one, these misfortunes visit me... like dont want to see me smiling again... fuck!!




